Company: Sarini zirko
Show: Txoriak txori!
External look: Joserra Martínez (Markeliñe)
Circus techniques: Bruno Gagliardini
Artist: Sara Álvarez
Idea and production: Sarini zirko
Aerial structure: Xavi Castelló
Aerial Eye: Bruzzone Blacksmithing
Scenery: Henry Cufré
Little Bird: Esteban Arieti
Changing rooms: Almond changing rooms, Elephant leg changing rooms
Design of lights, sound and technician of the company: RLM (Rodrigo Lacasa Montes)
Photography: Carlos Milán
Video: Potx Ikus - entzunezkoak
Graphic design: Shakti Olaizola
Web design: RLM web designer